Earlier this year I’ve been in SE Asia and while visiting Myanmar/Burma my good friend Puneet told me he will visit his mother in India. As I was thinking about moving to India after Myanmar anyway I was excited about the chance to meet him and his mother there!
I really like all the places I’ve seen in India so far and it has been great again!
Puneet now wrote on his blog about our visit at the Kaila devi fair where we ended up getting the most beautiful tattoos ever!
I never thought I ever will get a tattoo - something that will be there forever?! - on a small village fair in the middle of nowhere it happened. I enjoyed the fair a lot and I got excited about the tattoo artists… so it happened I got a small, beautiful, ugly memory of that time and the fair :)
Read the full story on Puneet’s blog… check it out also for pictures and details about the fair.
…and there are some photos on my flickr stream.