- Endtable, an ORM for CouchDB on Node.JS
- Gitmodel - An ActiveModel-compliant persistence framework for Ruby that uses Git for versioning and remote syncing.
- Fancy CSS Buttons using Compass
- Baker is an HTML5 ebook framework to publish books on the iPad using open web standards
- CouchDB URL API Documentation
- Magentor - Ruby wrapper for the magento xmlrpc api
- Ruby's object model - Metaprogramming and other magic
- RubyDrop - roll-your-own, Dropbox clone. It uses Git as the backend for file tracking and remote syncing
- waterunderice - Resumable, asynchronous file uploads using WebSockets in HTML 5 compliant browsers
- geo_mere_laal - Zero-effort creation of Location-aware Rails application based on W3C Geolocaton API.
- Qnotifier - Qnotifier is an iPhone and iPad based Linux server monitoring application.
- monittr - Ruby and web interface for Monit statistics